Building Tomorrow with Snittytech

In the fast-evolving world of construction, where urban landscapes are constantly redefined, the challenges are as vast as the skylines. With rising client expectations, environmental concerns, and rapid technological advancements, construction companies must prioritize efficient project management and innovative solutions. It's those who merge technological prowess with structural artistry that are paving the future.

Project Management: Seamlessly coordinate construction projects, from blueprint to inauguration, ensuring timely completion and top-notch quality.

Seamless Project Coordination: Skillfully oversee construction projects, from the initial blueprint phase to inauguration, ensuring timely completion and top-notch quality.
Cutting-Edge Software: Empower your construction projects with innovative software that revolutionizes project management in every phase.
AI-Driven Budget Control: Utilize AI-driven budget monitoring to proactively manage finances, eliminating budget overruns and ensuring financial control.
Integrated Procurement to Payment: Seamlessly navigate the entire project lifecycle, from procurement to payment, with the help of integrated workflows and a dedicated mobile application for real-time monitoring.
Clear Task Ownership and Segmentation: Ensure clear ownership and task segmentation within your projects, promoting efficiency in project execution.
Reusable Templates: Kickstart your construction projects swiftly by leveraging reusable templates designed for efficiency and consistency.
Granular SLA Monitoring: Benefit from AI-driven insights that enhance granular Service Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring, guaranteeing alignment with project goals.
Configurable Task Operations: Customize task operations to fit the unique needs of your construction projects.
Comprehensive Budget Oversight: Achieve unparalleled project precision and foresight through comprehensive budget oversight, ensuring that projects remain on track and within budget.

Tower Management image

Asset & Inventory Management

Efficiently track tools, machinery, and materials, minimizing wastage and ensuring prompt availability.

Efficient Tracking: Efficiently track tools, machinery, and materials to minimize wastage and ensure prompt availability.
Cutting-Edge Solution: Elevate your construction inventory management with Snitty’s cutting-edge solution, which integrates machine learning and IoT for unmatched precision.
Advanced Tracking Systems: Utilize advanced barcode and QR code systems to ensure accurate tracking of materials, enhancing forecasting accuracy and minimizing stock discrepancies.
Comprehensive Visibility: Snitty’s platform provides comprehensive visibility across the entire inventory management process, from procurement to warehouse operations.
Real-Time IoT Capabilities: Leverage real-time IoT capabilities to optimize stock levels, streamline warehousing processes, and significantly reduce operational costs.
Swift Tracking: Experience swift tracking of materials, leading to heightened operational efficiency.
Competitive Advantage: Stay ahead in the competitive construction industry by emphasizing precision and efficiency in inventory management.
Industry Standard: Snitty’s innovative approach sets a new industry standard, revolutionizing how construction materials are managed.

Workforce Management

Optimize on-site teams, from architects to laborers, ensuring safety, efficiency, and peak productivity.

Optimize On-Site Teams: Optimize on-site teams, including architects and laborers, to ensure safety, efficiency, and peak productivity.
AI-Powered Tools: Snitty’s Workforce Management revolutionizes the construction industry with AI-powered tools for efficient field resource planning and dispatch to specific locations.
Real-Time GIS Integration: The system seamlessly integrates real-time GIS views to ensure on-time project delivery.
Swift Task Assignment: Whether it’s responding to unexpected incidents or scheduled tasks, Snitty’s solution swiftly assigns them to the right personnel through a combination of manual and automatic assignments.
Machine Learning Capabilities: With added machine learning capabilities, Snitty introduces advanced ticketing algorithms that streamline software change processes and template-driven workflows.
Proximity-Based Prioritization: Tasks are prioritized based on proximity, enhancing task management, monitoring, and quick issue resolution.
Smart Scheduling: Smart scheduling and an intuitive Resource & Holiday Calendar further enhance operational efficiency.
Peak Performance: Snitty ensures not only operational efficiency but also peak performance across a variety of construction scenarios.