Tower Management

Optimize Your Tower Operations

Experience streamlined success with QuickRoll’s Tower Management Module, designed to optimize your tower operations. Unlock the potential today!

Track site lifecycle end-to-end all the way from customer orders to fulfilment through support for contracts with price book control, reserve capacity management, lease administration, and customer invoicing. Revenue is tracked through master agreements, tenant leases, equipment rights, and revenue streams to provide a single source of truth
Accelerate rollout of new sites or network technology upgrades and control your project costs with simplified management and tracking of tower build projects.
Effectively plan, manage, track, and complete site rollout projects on time and on budget. Achieve complete visibility and control of the rollout process, integrating all aspects such as approvals, candidate identifications, survey management, milestone SLAs, and documentation control. Accelerate revenue generation with reliable delivery, faster site acquisitions, and contract management through standardized processes.

Record, view, manage, and monitor vast site portfolios from a single console dashboard. Detailed site information with GIS visualization not only helps you to track your own sites but also helps your customers assess site viability through the infrastructure information available. Increase revenue generation by providing an online sales channel to quickly start monetizing your tower assets.

Manage your field operations with real-time data capture and remote assignment of work orders. Make it easy for your field operatives to access and complete work orders from the field, thus saving time, preventing manual process errors, and enabling business growth. Make third-party contractors and vendors accountable for their work orders by enabling upload of site information as proof of completion.
Track and account for landlord and tenant leases through end-to-end automation. Standardize document management for all contracts and automate lease renewal and termination procedures. Achieve maximum monetization of site infrastructure by reconciling onsite assets and lease rights through revenue stream integration. Comply with accounting standards with up-to-date knowledge of lease payments and payment schedules.
Know what your network is worth by tracking your business assets in real time. A detailed graphic visualization of all site equipment with floor plans, rack plans, and asset linkage brings every cell site to life within your office.

Key Benefits of Adopting Tower Management:

  • Efficient Project Management: Plan, track, and manage tower build projects with ease.
  • RealTime Data Capture: Utilize realtime data for informed decisionmaking.
  • Enhanced Revenue Generation: Accelerate site acquisitions and monetize tower assets efficiently.
  • Comprehensive Dashboard: Monitor and manage tower sites from a single console.
  • Smart Resource Allocation: Allocate resources efficiently for optimal project execution.
  • Enhanced Documentation: Standardize document management and automate lease processes.

With Tower Management, Enhance Every Aspect:

  • Site Lifecycle Tracking: Manage site lifecycles from customer orders to fulfillment.
  • Revenue Management: Track revenue through master agreements and leases.
  • Cost Control: Simplify management and tracking of tower build projects.
  • Project Visibility: Integrate approvals, survey management, and documentation control.
  • Revenue Generation: Provide online sales channels to monetize tower assets.
  • Field Operations: Manage field operations with realtime data capture and remote assignment.
  • Lease Management: Automate lease renewal and termination procedures.
  • Asset Tracking: Track business assets with detailed graphic visualization.


Tower management modules are closely interlinked to enable telecom infrastructure owners to efficiently manage their assets, leases, contracts, suppliers, projects, and policies, and proactively respond to problems with ready-made process templates and knowledge-rich reports.

Demand Planning

User creates request for tower at a specific area and TP provider may do initial analysis, survey & do necessary agreements

Inventory Management

All the inventory records are kept with n the system giving information on Available, Short and Issued Inventory.

Contract and Lease Management

TP Provider may able to do contract with operators and standard lease agreements will be signed as per business need.

Project Management

Allows monitor and track the workorders for land survey, and help acquiring, contract and lease agreements, ordering inventory and initiate the tower installation & commissioning.

Billing & AMC

TP provider may do the billing for operators based agreed payment terms and can track the operators who paid. Also, annual AMC invoice could be managed.

Asset Management

TP provider may request material required for installation from warehouse and also may able to manage material required while site installation & commissioning.

Fuel and Energy Management

Fuel consumption and other expense could be monitored, and audit can be handled.

Ticket Management

Ticket Management enables TOC manager to register the issues related to tower operation.

Maintenance Management

TP Provider may able to schedule the maintenance at specific time interval and it could be tracked well in reports and Dashboards.


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