Ticket Management

AI based Automatic and Manual ticket resolution in Real Time

QuickRoll’s Ticket Management is a robust workflow-based system designed to track the progression of tickets in real time. It efficiently captures and manages network related issues, customer fault and new connection requests in a centralized manner. Its mobile application makes sure that field engineers are tracked in real-time and they have all the knowledge base and inventor to resolve the ticket cost-effectively and lessor time.

Key Features

  • Dashboard: Real-time analytics for evaluating ticket statistics, including trends, aging, and predictive ticket counts in the coming months.
  • Dispatch Optimization: Suggests possible resolutions based on past tickets of the same nature.
  • Workflow-Based Tracking: Simplifies ticket workflow tracking from assignment to closure.
  • Ticket Co-Relation and Grouping: Supports event co-relation by grouping related fault tickets.
  • SLA-Based Ticket Monitoring: Define SLAs for tickets and monitor SLA compliance.
  • Auto Ticket Generation: Automatically generates tickets from faults received from EMS systems, routing them to NOC engineers for further action.
  • Auto Ticket Scheduling: Assigns tickets to NOC engineers automatically based on ticket category and desired resolution.
  • Template Driven: Allows users to define templates based on categories, subcategories, SLAs, severity, and workflow.
  • GIS View: Map-based view for monitoring and tracking ticket status and assignment.
  • Real-Time Progress: Various status updates for close tracking of ticket progression and resolution.
  • Integration: Capable of integrating with EMS and Fault Management systems

Quickroll application excels in auto or manual assignment, ensuring swift incident resolution. SLAs can be assigned to incidents, enabling field SMEs to take timely action. Incidents are dispatched to field SMEs in near real time through their mobile application, complete with instructions for resolution. The Ticketing Dashboard offers insights into ticket trends, aging, field SME performance, and top ticket categories. Seamless integration with Inventory (Spare Part) Management allows field SMEs to carry necessary spares for prompt fault repairs.

Tickets can be processed manually or auto-scheduled based on predefined parameters. The Ticket Management Module handles incidents related to customer problems or network issues, routing them to Field Dispatch Engineers in near real time via their mobile applications. Comprehensive reports and dashboards help monitor ticket trends, types, and occurrence patterns, leading to significant operational cost reductions.

Flowchart depicting the workflow for ticket management, starting from issue fetching to resolution validation and ticket closure.