Discover Why Top Telecoms Trust Our Solution

Site & Tower Management

Site/Tower Management: Deploy / Oversee and manage telecom sites and towers with ease, from installation to maintenance.

Automated Site Lifecycle Management: Seamless automation of the entire site deployment and operations lifecycle. From initial setup to ongoing maintenance, it covers all aspects efficiently.

Comprehensive Use Cases: Designed to cater to a variety of use cases, including site surveys, project management, proactive and corrective maintenance, and passive/active inventory and asset tracking.

Integration Flexibility: Quickroll Site Management can easily integrate with third-party tools and applications, providing flexibility and enhancing its functionality.

Site GIS View: Gain valuable insights into your sites through the Site GIS view. Access statistics on coverage areas, current inventory, site contracts, and the real-time status of each site.

Powerful Dashboard: The platform comes equipped with a robust dashboard that offers a clear overview of site-related activities and operations.

Advanced Reporting: Provides extensive reporting capabilities, allowing you to generate insightful reports for better decision-making.

Map-based interface of Quickroll showing tower management with details on new and existing sites, including 5G, GSM, UMTS, LTE, and LTE FDD 700 2100 networks.

Project Management

Navigate the complexities of telecom projects with precision, ensuring timely and on-budget completion.
Dashboard view of project management with Gantt chart and detailed project summary, showcasing planned and actual progress, blockers, and key project metrics.

AI-Powered Project Management: Harness AI to transform your project management approach.

Budget Control: Proactively identify budget issues with AI-based monitoring for precise financial control.

Seamless Phase Navigation: Effortlessly move through every project phase, from procurement to payment.

Real-Time Monitoring: Benefit from integrated workflows and a dedicated mobile app for instant task tracking.

Clear Task Segmentation: Ensure clarity and ownership with distinct task segmentation for efficient execution.

Reusable Templates: Kickstart projects swiftly with reusable templates designed for efficiency.

Granular SLA Monitoring: AI insights enhance granular Service Level Agreement (SLA) monitoring to keep projects on track.

Configurable Tasks: Customize task operations to fit your project’s unique needs.

Comprehensive Budget Oversight: Achieve unparalleled project accuracy and foresight through comprehensive budget oversight.

Asset & Inventory Management

Streamline your assets and inventory, reducing overheads and enhancing ROI.

Revolutionary Inventory Management: Experience a revolutionary shift in inventory management with QuickRoll’s state-of-the-art solution.

Precise Tracking: Ensure precise tracking of every telecom material through advanced barcode and QR code systems.

Improved Forecasting: Elevate forecasting accuracy and reduce stock discrepancies and dead stock challenges.

End-to-End Visibility: Gain end-to-end visibility from vendor procurement to warehouse storage and movement.

Real-Time Optimization: Empower your business with IoT’s real-time capabilities to optimize stock levels and streamline warehousing processes.

Cost Efficiency: Minimize overhead costs and foster rapid tracking and heightened operational efficiency.

Market Responsiveness: Respond swiftly to market changes, situating your inventory management at the forefront of the industry.

Interactive map interface showing asset and inventory locations and details within Quickroll's warehouse management system.

Incident & Ticket Management

Manage NOC incidents OR customer complaints and technical issues in real-time, boosting client satisfaction and trust.
Incident and trouble ticket management workflow diagram showcasing manual and automated processes for handling faults and updating ticket statuses.

Digital Transformation Cornerstone: Our incident and ticket management solution is a cornerstone in your digital transformation journey.

Proactive Insights: Leverage machine learning for proactive insights derived from historical fault data.

Effortless Integration: Designed for effortless integration with EMS, establishing a robust foundation for comprehensive fault management.

Dedicated Portal: A dedicated portal ensures stakeholders have easy access to crucial incident details, simplifying informed decision-making.

Immediate Support: Field teams receive immediate support when encountering unexpected incidents, with a focus on discerning each fault’s nature.

Efficient Tracking: Each logged incident is systematically categorized, promoting efficient tracking and resolution.

Clear Communication: Unique incident identifiers and built-in communication tools maintain clarity throughout the incident life cycle, ensuring streamlined resolution and stakeholder communication.

Workforce Management

Optimize your human resources, from field agents to in-house teams, ensuring efficiency and productivity.

AI-Empowered Workforce Management: QuickRoll’s Workforce Management empowers CSPs with AI-driven tools for optimal field resource planning and dispatch.

Timely Service Delivery: Designed to ensure timely delivery as per service commitments.

Real-Time Tracking: Seamlessly integrates GIS views for real-time tracking of field resources.

Efficient Fault Assignment: Swiftly assigns fault tickets to Field Service Technicians using a mix of manual and automatic assignments.

Transformative Ticketing Algorithms: QuickRoll harnesses machine learning for transformative ticketing algorithms, refining software change life cycles.

Task Enhancement: Prioritizes proximity-based work order assignments, enhancing task classification, monitoring, and swift resolution.

Smart Scheduling: Coupled with smart scheduling and an intuitive Resource & Holiday Calendar.

Peak Performance: Ensures not just operational efficiency but also peak performance across diverse service scenarios.

Workforce management interface displaying work order scheduling and real-time field engineer activity on a map for effective task management.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Engage with your customers more effectively, understanding their needs and preferences to offer tailored solutions in timely manner.
Diagram of Snitty CRM benefits, including customer profile management, sales growth, opportunity tracking, campaign promotions, monitoring, and customer service.

Sales Landscape Transformation: Quickroll’s CRM revolutionizes your sales landscape, providing deep insights into pipelines and enhancing client interactions.

Enhanced Profiles and Contacts: Extensive profiles and contacts features significantly boost conversions and nurture long-lasting customer relationships.

Lead Tracking: Every lead is meticulously tracked, ensuring timely interventions and successful sales conversions.

Advanced Modules: Harness the power of advanced modules like lead capturing and real-time opportunity alerts.

Tailored Notifications: Dynamic workflow sends crucial, tailored notifications through both SMS and email.

Comprehensive Dashboard: An intuitive, informative dashboard offers comprehensive metrics, from pipeline vitality to individual opportunity statuses.

Strategy Accelerator: Quickroll CRM serves as a comprehensive strategy accelerator for your evolving sales ecosystem.

Document Management

Securely store, retrieve, and manage essential documents, ensuring compliance and easy accessibility. Collaborate with respective teams and have a centralized repository.

Comprehensive Document Management: Quickroll’s Document Management offers a comprehensive solution for all your document needs, effortlessly handling various file types, including images, spreadsheets, and intricate drawings.

Precise Organization and Retrieval: Store, organize, and retrieve documents with unparalleled precision, thanks to advanced search features using metadata, specific keywords, and free text searches.

Centralized Repository: Our unique centralized repository ensures that documents are always at your fingertips, minimizing redundancy and enabling efficient team collaboration.

Robust Version Control: Easily track the evolution of each document with our robust version control system.

Seamless Document Sharing: Share documents seamlessly across various locations, ensuring effortless team interaction.

Compliance and Historical Reference: For compliance and historical reference, our detailed archiving system is indispensable.

Enhanced Document Security: Heightened document security is ensured through role-based permissions, enhancing your organization’s data protection.

Optimized Workflow: Organizational processes are further optimized with our custom workflow-based approvals, streamlining your document management processes.

Quickroll interface showing project-related documents management with a hierarchy view and file details, including modification history.